Saturday, November 12, 2011

Los Angeles Skin Care


Los Angeles Skin Care- Your skin is bad or could be better. You're unhappy. You live in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Is there a connection?

It may not be your entire fault. Los Angeles skin care is more difficult than you imagined.


Skin care in Los Angeles is a problem because of air pollution. You find yourself getting frequent Los Angeles skin care treatments because the air is filled with ozone. Ozone is the main component of our old L.A. friend, Smog.

Smog attacks your Los Angeles skin and quickly removes Vitamin E from your uppermost skin layer (called the stratum corneum) according to the unexpected results of a Feb 1997 University of California, Berkeley study.

How bad is the smog in Los Angeles? "...despite an average $5 Billion to $8 Billion spent to carry out regional air quality plans in recent decades, Los Angeles last summer again led the nation in smoggy days" according to the October 11, 2006 issue of the Los Angeles Times in the California Local News section.


Vitamin E is an important component of healthy Los Angeles skin care because it acts as a protector against oxidation. Oxidation is a major agent causing the aging of your skin.

An example of oxidation is an apple turning brown when it is cut and exposed to the oxygen in the air. In about an hour the polluted air will start to destroy the flesh of the fruit.

Think of the apple's outer skin as your uppermost skin layer (statum corneum). Think of your skin as the flesh of the fruit.

Stop for a moment and imagine the effect. Do you see the age spots and the discoloration like with the browning apple?

Are you getting the oxidation picture? It's not a pretty one is it? Nope.

Los Angeles smog attacks your skin and removes Vitamin E. Vitamin E is your body's natural anti-oxidant. Vitamin E is found in some plant oils and in leafy green vegetables. It is a vital weapon in your Los Angeles skin care.

The smog ages your skin after the protective level of Vitamin E is reduced. Aging is characterized by the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, uneven skin tone and age spots.

Obviously, one result of the research was it validated the use of Vitamin E for good Los Angeles skin care.


Scientists found Vitamin E in the uppermost skin layer (stratum corneum) dropped by 25 percent after only two hours exposure at double the peak levels of ozone in cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City.

The UC Berkeley researchers found only twenty-five percent of Vitamin E remained in the stratum corneum after a similar experiment for six consecutive days.

The startling finding here is that the exposure was only for two hours. This is far less that the average person is exposed to in a heavily polluted area like Los Angeles.

A compromised uppermost skin layer means problems for your overall skin health. According to the UC Berkeley professor Lens Thiele, "Skin Care Companies know if you have dry skin, it's your statum corneum that's in trouble. Everything you apply on your skin has to pass through that layer."

Therefore a reduced level of the anti-oxidant Vitamin E in the stratum corneum equals skin ailments and premature aging of your skin.

Now are you starting to see how important the two enemies, smog and Vitamin E, are to your Los Angeles skin care? We're starting to answer some of your skin care questions, aren't we? You betcha we are.


Smog is a cunning adversary isn't it? First it strips away your Vitamin E protection and other anti-oxidants. Then it ages your skin. It's like a one-two knockout punch to your skin care.

Even brief daily exposure to smog, Ultra Violet (UV) light and the sun will give you bad skin and the aging you don't want.

So what are you goanna do, move in order to get good Los Angeles skin care? Maybe. But there are other solutions.


I am the owner of a beauty salon in the smog free beach city of Santa Monica, California. I've observed Los Angeles skin care problems with some of my clients.

One of the solutions is anti-aging skin care products and European Los Angeles Facial Rejuvenation treatment. These skin care treatments will help to replace anti-oxidants like Vitamins E and C, ubiquinone, kinetin and lipoic-acid.

Estheticians in Los Angeles and Santa Monica developed skin care treatments to mitigate the effects of Los Angeles smog.


Now, I've explained the problem of skin care in Los Angeles. If you have bad skin it may not be all of your fault. I also gave you a solution.

Your esthetician is the Skin Care Sheriff who arrests and jails the bad skin and frees your good skin.

It's simple. Do you want to live with bad Los Angeles skin or good Los Angeles skin? It's your choice to make.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Noori Daili is the owner of Next Salon at 2400 Main Street in smog free Santa Monica, CA 90405 at 310-392-6645. Warning! Smog is killing your skin. Get 15% savings on younger, healthier skin; Click Here Los Angeles Skin Care. For 10% savings on complete hair & beauty care Click Here Now Hair|Beauty Salon|Salons Santa Monica.

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